Schroeder Asphalt Website Preview

Schroeder Asphalt Website Preview
Below is an embedded view of the Schroeder Asphalt website.
</> Please note that unfortunately the code that I am using to embed the full sided website does not work well with some mobile devices. Also, I am restricting the tablet view of the embedded code due to recent changes to Apple’s iOS9 (operating system) that eliminated the overflow:scroll function of iframe embedded objects. I am researching the JavaScript needed to accomplish my vision, but it will take a little time. Please check back later.
Click the link below if you would like to see the site in a new window.
Schroeder Asphalt Website
Unfortunately the code that I am using to embed the full sided website does not work well with some mobile devices. I am also restricting the tablet view of the embedded code due to recent changes to Apple’s iOS9 (operating system) that restricts scrolling of iframe embedded objects. Please use the link below to view the site under the best conditions for your device.
</note> I am researching the JavaScript that is required to embed the site the way that I would like, but it will take me a bit. Please check back later…